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Depron SV-51 Build


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    Depron SV-51 Build

    Here are some picts from my Macross Zero SV-51 prototype in the build up stage.

    (With thanks from ER69 for the inspiration )

    Seriously running out of ...Storage space !

    Originally posted by Ghostfit
    Here are some picts from my Macross Zero SV-51 prototype in the build up stage.

    (With thanks from ER69 for the inspiration )

    Very Nice I like..
    I think it should'nt be a problem to fly it..
    Btw, make sure you have the correct C.G. point ya..


      Wat is the measurment and weight of this SV 51?
      By looking at those pics, looks like you can go for either twin 50~55mm size DF or a single 64mm which i think you have to increase the height of the ducting..
      I think this SV51 will fly well...It looks stable..


        Sorry for the late reply, ....currently clearing leave (Til the end of this year ) and the PC at home is dead !

        The SV-51 has a length of about 3 ft and weights about 300 gms. Nah..I'll simply put in a speed 300 direct drive motor with a 5x3 prop for flying purposes. The DF will go into the full fuselage model (If it ever gets built)

        Incidently, I spent the better part of last week hunting round Singapore's Plastic model shops for Hasegawa's SV-51 and ended up spending $$$ on several Macross models ! ...... ....
        Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


          Yo Ghostfit,
          how's progress man? Sun can maiden ?
          Punggol Field Walk - Precision Landing Required!


            Nebermind lah ! ...d**n thing looks so good, I cut and built another one so that it'll have company ....Now can have both Nora type and Ivan type !

            Gotta go Art friend to buy some Black, Funky pink and Gold foam safe and lightweight paint.

            Most likely have to maiden next year ....due to other projects coming up.
            Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


              Originally posted by Ghostfit
              Nebermind lah ! ...d**n thing looks so good, I cut and built another one so that it'll have company ....Now can have both Nora type and Ivan type !

              Gotta go Art friend to buy some Black, Funky pink and Gold foam safe and lightweight paint.

              Most likely have to maiden next year ....due to other projects coming up.
              Hi Ghostfit,
              Do remember to keep us update
              Now you got twin.. Cool..


                Hi Ghostfit,

                I have some pictures which I think it might be useful for your EDF convertion..
                Its powered by 40mm size EDF and here is the spec.

                Span: 31"
                Length (including thrust-vector vanes): 37"
                Wing area: Depends on what you count, but I'd say about 160"^2
                Intake area: 2.64"^2 per intake
                Projected weight: 11-13 oz., AUW
                Power: 2x EDF-40s, driven by 28-turn Fiegaos.
                Controls: Linked inboard elevons and 2D thrust-vector vanes (mixed for pitch and roll) and throttle.


                  More ...


                    SV51 Maiden video

                    Hi guys..
                    Here is a video of the Sv51 Maiden.
                    It was built by a guy oversea.
                    1st and 2nd attemps was tail heavy after he swifted the batt, it flew just right
                    Hey ghostfit, Dont let others to stop your dream comes ture, let them watch this clip and I bet no one will ever to tell you that this SV can't fly..

                    I still can remember that when I was goinig into EDF, lots of people told me not to waste my time on this coz it will not fly or perform in weather here.
                    But I had proved them wrong at the end of the day, after the my first EDF B2 maiden..

                    Well, sit back and enjoy the video :

                    May the force be with you....


                      WOW ! ....Hats off to you ER69
                      You really know how to inspire pple ! ....those pics and video really rocks !
                      You're #1 PoisonMaster in my book !

                      I have to KIV the SV51 for the time as something more urgent cropped up ......will post picts later.
                      Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


                        Originally posted by Ghostfit
                        WOW ! ....Hats off to you ER69
                        You really know how to inspire pple ! ....those pics and video really rocks !
                        You're #1 PoisonMaster in my book !

                        I have to KIV the SV51 for the time as something more urgent cropped up ......will post picts later.

                        Good luck Ghostfit


                          Here is another video of that guy's SV.
                          Sad thing is, it flew right into a tree at the end of the day
                          Check it out...


                            Sorry to bump up this thread again .....(just so to show that this is not a dead project .....just delayed! )

                            SV-51 testing and production was delayed due to the need to send an entry to the NATO Tiger Meet 2005/2006 in Sebnitz/Germany.

                            Heres the contender !

                            Seriously running out of ...Storage space !



                              I'm interested on this plane. Can you give me the plans for me to build this up?

